The Greatest Prophet of All Time

The Greatest Prophet of All Time Jesus made a huge statement about John the Baptist while he was teaching that is worth reminiscing over. For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he. Luke 7:28 (KJV) Did Jesus just rate John the Baptist as being greater than Noah, Moses, Elijah, Elisha and Isaiah? That’s serious. But what are the qualified John for such a commendation? Was it his miracles? No! Indeed we have no record of any miraculous act performed by John the Baptist. Was it his affluence? Definitely NO! For he was a humble prophet dressed in animal skin and hair and eating wild honey and locusts. Was it his literary skills? I think NOT. Was it the influence he garnered or the crowd he attracted? No! He spoke hard against evil and iniquity in his day and was tagged as public enemy number 1. Why will Jesus rate him as the greatest of all prophets? We need to appreciate Jesus’ choice of John and review the way we rate believers and pastors. It is not the affluence, influence or miracles but something much more was of value to Christ. While certainly we need these things, May God help us pursue after that which is more than gold. Have a blessed day!

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